Welcome to Gimme That’s documentation!

API reference

Main API

gimme.add(obj, deep=True)

Add an object to the Repository after which it will be available for dependent classes when resolving their dependencies.

By default, the object will be registered for both its own class as well as any subclasses (up to and including object). Setting deep=False switches this off, and the object will only be registered for its own class

  • obj (Any) – The object to add to the Repository

  • deep (bool) – Whether to also register obj for all base classes of obj


Add a custom Resolver to the Repository


return a context manager that adds a repository to the stack and yields it


Deprecated since version 0.1.2: Use gimme.register() instead.

gimme.later(cls_or_str, lazy=True)

Use this as a descriptor in your class definition when dealing with circular dependencies. Normally, having circular dependencies would prevent instantiating these classes.

By default, using this descriptor to specify a dependency defers the resolution of this dependency until the first time it is used.

  • cls_or_str (Union[type, str]) – The type of which to retrieve an object

  • lazy (bool) – When set to False, the dependency is resolved immediately the first time the dependent class is instantiated. This precludes the use of gimme.later for resolving circular dependencies, but instead now it works the same way of using type annotations for specifying dependencies. If you don’t like using type annotations, you may use gimme.later with lazy=False to get the same behaviour.


Pops the current repository from the repository stack, effectively resetting the state of the repository to a previous state

gimme.register(cls=None, factory=None, info=None, store=True, kwargs=None)

Register a class in the Repository. This makes the class available for identification by string (see gimme.that() and gimme.later()) and allows for additional control over class instantiation.

Alternatively, instead of giving a class (and optional parameters), you can also give a DependencyInfo object directly that contains the configuration.

  • cls (Optional[type]) – The class to register in the repository.

  • factory (Optional[Callable]) – Optional factory to create an instance, if not specified, use the class’ constructor instead (ie. cls.__init__)

  • info (Optional[DependencyInfo]) – An object that contains the class instantiation configuration. Only provide this when no cls parameter is given

  • store (bool) – Whether to store an instantiated class in the Repository. The default effectively makes every class a singleton, but if you want to change this behaviour, set store=False

  • kwargs (Optional[dict]) – Additional keyword arguments to pass to the factory (or cls.__init__) for construction

gimme.setup(objects=None, types=None, resolvers=None)

Setup and configure your Repository

  • objects (Optional[Iterable[Any]]) – Any objects to add to the Repository

  • types (Optional[Iterable[Union[type, DependencyInfo]]]) – Any types / classes to register

  • resolvers (Optional[Iterable[Resolver]]) – Any additional Resolvers to add for dependency resolution

gimme.that(kind, **kwargs)

Request an object from the Repository by type. If it does not exist in the Repository yet, it will be created, and any dependencies of the class will be resolved recursively. If the class has been registered with a specific factory function, that function will be used to create the object.

Alternatively, a callable, such as function, may be given as the kind. In this case, gimme.that tries to resolve all input parameters of the function, runs the function with the input parameters and returns the result. In this case the result is never stored in the Repository. However, any dependencies that are created when resolving the input parameters, may be stored.

Optionally, if the class has been registered using the gimme.dependency() decorator or gimme.register() function, the object type may also be specified using class name as a string.


kind (Union[Type[~T], str, callable]) – either a class, identified by the type-object itself or a string, or a callable

Return type



An alias for gimme.that(). Use this if you do not like the default cute names


An alias for gimme.later(). Use this if you do not like the default cute names


class gimme.repository.LayeredRepository(first_layer)

Remove and return item at index (default last).

Raises IndexError if list is empty or index is out of range.


class gimme.resolvers.Resolver

Base class for creating extensions to the dependency resolution system. Subclass this class and add instances of your class to the repository using gimme.add_resolver() or gimme.setup()

get_dependencies(factory, repository, kwargs=None)

Override this to customize how to resolve the dependencies of a specific class / factory function. This method will be called with the following arguments:

  • factory (t.Callable) – The class / factory function to determine the dependencies for

  • repository (LayeredRepository) – The current Repository can be used for requesting dependencies

  • kwargs (dict) – Any user specified keyword arguments (see gimme.register()). These will have preference over any keyword arguments this function supplies

Your Resolver may do one of three things:

  • Return a dictionary of keyword arguments to supply to the factory upon instantiation

  • Raise CannotResolve if your Resolver cannot return an instantiated object and the next Resolver should be tried

  • Raise PartiallyResolved if your Resolver did resolve some, but not all of the dependencies



Get the constructor for iterable/sequence type hints: returns the concrete type belonging to the type hint, ie set for typing.Set for the abstract type hints typing.Iterable :param hint: A Generic Type hint :returns: TypeHintInfo, or None if it could not be parsed into a list-like collection of type. eg for nested generic types (List[List[int]])


exception gimme.exceptions.CannotResolve

Raised when a Resolver cannot resolve the dependencies of a class, and therefore cannot provide an instance

exception gimme.exceptions.CircularDependency

Raised when a circular dependency is detected and the requested class cannot be instantiated

exception gimme.exceptions.PartiallyResolved

Raised when an Resolver did do some work on resolving dependencies, but not enough to be able to instantiate the class


class gimme.types.CollectionTypeHintInfo(collection, inner_type)
property collection

Alias for field number 0

property inner_type

Alias for field number 1

class gimme.types.DependencyInfo(cls, factory, store, kwargs)
property cls

Alias for field number 0

property factory

Alias for field number 1

property kwargs

Alias for field number 3

property store

Alias for field number 2